Independent flight comparator


Looking for a completely independent flight comparison? We invite you to read this article to better understand the operation of flight comparison sites and then discover the best independent flight comparators.


There are three types of flight comparator site.

1) The first are the official websites of airlines, for example on the Air France website, you will be able to compare the price of Air France flights for a given date or trip. Obviously you will have, among the results, only offers of this airline but at different times for example, the prices will evolve and from one schedule to another or one type of class to another. Good: when you want to take a particular airline and not another.

2) The second are the websites of online travel agencies (Opodo, Kayak, Vol 24, Promovacances, Lastminute …) offering a space that allows you to compare the available flights of all partner airlines for a given date and destination . Once the best offer has been found, the reservation is made on the tour operator’s website and not directly on the airline’s website. It may be that these tour operators add management fees that you would not have to pay by booking directly through the airline. Well: When you want to book a trip or a package including the flight, hotel, car rental … book group saves money. For dry flights, you can use the flight comparator tool of these agencies but do not forget to then go directly to the website of the airline whose offer is best for you to book.

3) And the others are the famous independent flight comparators! These sites not only compare offers from just about all existing airlines including Low Cost airlines but also compare travel agencies to each other. You can be certain with these flight comparator to obtain the best flight offer according to the criteria provided. Well: These are definitely the best sites to check when you want to compare the price of flights.


What are the best independent flight comparators?

Skyscanner: simple and effective, Skyscanner is without a doubt one of our favorite flight comparator.

Google Flights: New flight comparator launched by Google, very convenient thanks to its sleek style and its map destinations.

Distrivols: Deserve to be better known. We love its “flexible dates” option.


How do independent flight comparators work?

Fill in the criteria of your flight (Date of departure / Return, Destination), other options are sometimes available then click on “search”. The results are then displayed, when you click on an offer you are directly redirected to the airline OR the travel agency that offers this rate.

If there is a reservation from you on the site to which you have been redirected, the independent flight comparators then receive a commission.


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